There is always something to do in Singapore. Here are a few "cultural" events from the last few weeks:
The Esplanade is the city's premier concert venue. The outside looks like a huge durian...the stinky "King of Fruits." Thank goodness the concerts we saw didn't stink...
Years ago here in Singapore we saw the male singing group Chanticleer, so when they came here on tour our friends treated us to the concert.
Chanticleer: The Concertgoers:
A few days later we went there to see the Bach B Minor Mass presented by Yale and Harvard Universities chorale and period instrument orchestra. It was extra special because we know one of the chorale members- he is a friend of our son from the first time we lived here.
Next day we paid a visit to the National much to see there!
On Saturday we were doing errands and decided to go to the Vigil Mass at our parish. Traffic was extra terrible and we wondered what was going on... as John looked for a place to park, I went in and saw the special entrance procession. Lo and behold, the new Archbishop and about 40 priests! It was an ordination! My photos are really blurry, but you get the idea. It was really special and we were priveleged to be there!
The next day (Sunday), we went to Alliance Francaise de Singapour to see a Polish pianist, who wowed us with Rachmaninoff, Chopin and Paderwski:
And the next day (Monday), we attended an Art Opening at the new Gardens By the Bay. The Italian artist had made giant replicas of seeds, cast in brass and clay.

Three amazing days!!
I will leave you with photos of the Flower Dome (a gigantic dome that replicates different climates) at Gardens By the Bay:
Palms from Israel:

Ancient Olive Trees:
Wooden Sculptures from Papua New Guinea among the cacti:
Bottle Trees from Africa and Australia:
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